Thursday, May 15, 2008

my snotty cat

Well,well,well,i have something to show you guys about my cat again.While i was in the other room yesterday trying to make sure David's stuff is all complete,i heard him asking if i have seen our Tailie.I told him,she's in the bed prolly mad knowing that he(David) is getting ready to go to school.He then found her there BUT in a very comfy and snotty look.I went in there to see what he was talking about and yea,this is what we saw :

Doesn't she look so snotty yet the cutest cat?Oh,we just loved the way she crossed her front legs here.And i even took a closer pic of her face.

Oh, well...we can't help it baby girl..have a good one guys!!

1 comment:

Jackie Richardson said...

Hi Jeanmarie,

You have a real cute cat. I used to have a orange tabby, too. Tabby Cats are my favorite breed. At one time I used to have 4 cats. One got run over, one got poisoned by a neighbors, one stolen by a neighbor, one died of natural causes. When my oldest daughter was a teenager, she brought home a cute black kitten. We had that cat for 9 years. He finally died of natural causes. Cats are one my favorite pets.
